28 Mar Cabinetry Company Retrofits CR Onsrud 145G18 Panel Pro
Why This Industrial Cabinetry Company Optimized Their CR Onsrud 145G18 Panel Pro CNC Router

Smith Cabinet Shop, Inc. is a professional industrial cabinetry company with multiple CNC routers including a sturdy CR Onsrud 145G18 Panel Pro CNC router. Their large-scale router had the original control with a tiny display of 4 lines of text to operate the machine. Inexperienced operators found the control challenging to use and hard to learn. Not only that, but it was also at a point where it was inoperable and the only function it had left was lighting up. Unfortunately, this caused Smith Cabinetry to have to take their Panel Pro CNC router out of production. There was no way to operate it or depend on it for production. The company knew that resuming production would require a decision to be made about the machine. Typically, when a mechanically sound machine goes down there are 3 common options we come across in our 23 years of experience in the industry; band-aid fixes, buying a used machine with old controls, or buying an expensive brand-new machine.
Oftentimes band-aid fixes are done to keep the machine running until there is another issue. This results in unplanned downtime, safety issues, and impacts on production schedules. Some industry peers evaluate buying a used machine, which comes with its own headaches of outdated controls, problems that come up during shipping or even facing similar headaches they were already facing with their old machine. Then there is also the option of buying a new machine. But these are costly and have hidden challenges such as changing out tooling and addressing the footprint in the plant. From our experience working with thousands of companies in the industry, there is a better way and Smith Cabinetry took this approach.
Seeking a long-term solution to their faulty controller, they connected with MachMotion. A sales engineer from our company walked them through the upgrade process. With a better understanding of what would be involved in an upgrade, they decided to move forward with retrofitting their CR Onsrud 145G18 Panel Pro with a MachMotion 2000 series controller, including a new electrical panel, motors, servos, and cabling. As a result, they were able to keep the machine they already had and get it back in production.
Upon receiving the machine details, our engineering team designed a complete upgrade kit for their CR Onsrud 145G18 Panel Pro router including a new HMI interface, pre-wired electrical enclosure, and new servos for all axes of the machine. Their choice was to go with a complete turnkey installation, which means we do all the installation for you onsite. Once our install team arrived on-site, they got to work. After replacing the hardware and installing the new control, they were cutting test pieces in no time.
Now, Smith Cabinet Shop, Inc. is able to keep production running and get their C.R. Onsrud 145G18 Panel Pro CNC router back into production. It is no longer a concern for them whether or not they can run the machine or whether the controller will give them trouble. They have a controller with an intuitive, large touchscreen display that is easy to use and train operators on. In addition, they are able to operate the machine more efficiently by being able to utilize the wireless pendant. With this machine reintegrated back into their production line, they are back on track with their cutting operations. With a modern, cost-effective machine optimization package with lifelong customer support, Smith Cabinetry will be able to operate the Panel Pro successfully for years to come.
If you liked this blog, be sure to check out our other articles like this one: Optimizing Workflow On A C.R. Onsrud CNC Router

Reliable, Modern Optimization For C.R. Onsrud CNC Routers
While concentrating on upgrades and retrofits for 20+ years, we recognize the problems & interruptions that come with owning a CNC Machine. At MachMotion, we focus on creating the best system packages – from engineering to software – to deliver up-to-date and reliable technology to our partners, like this CR Onsrud 145G18 Panel Pro! We understand how a good quality machine can serve you well for a very long time, that’s why we want to help you keep your existing equipment running for years to come. Our team can help you determine if your machine(s) are eligible for an upgrade.