12 Dec Thermwood CNC Router Retrofits
Thermwood CNC Router Retrofits

Thermwood is a U.S.-based CNC machinery manufacturer that developed and sold the first CNC control system in the world. Then they built the very first CNC router in the world. They claim to still be on the leading edge of CNC routers internationally. Their primary markets are the woodworking, aerospace, plastics and composites industries.
Thermwood CNC Router Manufacturer
No one can deny it; Thermwood makes rigid industrial CNC routers that last for decades. Their routers have been a mainstay in commercial manufacturing. Their exceptionally heavy construction offers incredible rigidity. However, no system control is designed to last forever. Eventually a CNC control starts to die. Costly unscheduled downtime is caused from flaky issues or failing electronic components.
But you do not have to wait until you have a dead or dying CNC control system. With a MachMotion retrofit, you get more than a running CNC router. You get a fully functional industrial CNC controller and a lifetime partner to keep you in production. With our remote log in support if feels like you can have a MachMotion technician with you on your plant floor.
You can also speed up production by adding an automatic tool changer, automating your tool setup, and by adding your own shortcuts to the touch screen on the control. If you chose to upgrade from the original DC motors to industrial Yaskawa servos, you can improve your speed and reliability of your machine.
So when your Thermwood CNC Router becomes unreliable or stops working altogether, buying a new (or used) machine isn’t your only option. Instead, minimize disruption, frustration and downtime by upgrading your system controls. When you opt to upgrade, you get to keep the machine you’re already familiar with AND enjoy all the same technology as a new machine. At a fraction of the cost of a new machine, and far less hassle than buying a used machine, why wouldn’t you want to upgrade?
After focusing on upgrades for 20+ years MachMotion guarantees our customers that we will get their machine Production Ready when they go with a Turnkey Upgrade. We are that confident. Our primary business is retrofits so that allows us to focus on creating the best systems from engineering to software for providing up to date technology to our partners.
Below are some Thermwood CNC router retrofit examples:
Thermwood ES82 CNC Router Retrofit
Thermwood Cartesian 5 CNC Router Retrofit
Other Thermwood Routers MachMotion Upgrades:
Thermwood C40
Thermwood C42S
Thermwood C45
Thermwood C53
Thermwood C67
Thermwood C67DT
Thermwood CS43
Thermwood CS45
Thermwood Cartesian5
Thermwood M45
Thermwood M67
Thermwood ES80
Thermwood ES82
Thermwood Model 40
Thermwood Model 45
Thermwood Model 70
And more!
Old Controls:
Rather than scrapping a good machine, you can upgrade your Thermwood CNC router and give it a second life. You can make sure that production never stops on your machine.
Check out our CNC router upgrade packages here.