04 Oct Vention Integration With MachMotion
Vention Integration With MachMotion

A MachMotion Integration with Vention

This 3-axis CNC drilling machine from Vention was ordered for our customer. They had identified a need to speed up their production process. The customer was looking for a way to cut down on time spent in the process of manually drilling holes in suitcases. Their goal was to automate the drilling process rather than do it by hand. Utilizing our 2000 series CNC control, Vention was able to design a custom 3-axis drilling CNC with tool changer. The whole project was completed in 10 days and was an amazing collaboration with Vention. To read more about the details of the project, visit Vention’s customer success blog here!
Watch the video below to see the machine in action!
Video Transcription:
Hi everyone, my name is Josiah with MachMotion and I want to show you guys this machine we put together. A customer came to us needing to speed up their production process by drilling holes in maybe some small pockets and suitcases and carriers like this one, so we ordered this machine custom designed for Vention. We still installed everything, put a new control on it, high-speed spindle to make the drilling go easy.
I quick have a quick tool path generated using our conversational assistant. Just a drill pattern for the suitcase and maybe a little pocket for a lock. Drew that up in about five minutes and now we’ll do a test run. Another thing we added on this machine was a wine rack-style tool changer so they can have up to four different tools to speed up their process without having to manually change out bits in the machine. This is just a vertical wine rack-style machine that will come over pick up a tool drop off the old tool and carry on with the operation seamlessly.
If you want to learn more about our controller upgrades for your CNC machines, click here!