25 Feb Toyoda GL6 OD Grinder Retrofit with MachMotion
Toyoda GL6 OD Grinder Retrofit with MachMotion

Dayton Lamina Adds A MachMotion CNC Controller To Their OD Grinder!
An OD grinder retrofit helped another industry professional keep their machines in motion — The Toyoda GL6 OD Grinder is on the list of unsupported CNC controls. It is a large grinding machine and one of Dayton Lamina’s main workhorses. Dawn, their Continuous Improvement Engineer, expressed that their issues began when the search for standard maintenance parts became a difficult task. Not only was finding replacement parts becoming a problem, but the existing controller was noticeably aging. Eventually, it stopped connecting to the company network and that was a major issue. Something had to be done to keep their OD grinder working and in production.
Another Unsupported, Aging Grinder Controller
The Toyoda GL6 is a very capable machine, however, the Toyoda GC-32 control is no longer supported by Toyoda and is considered a high-risk item that can threaten all of your manufacturing with one simple alarm message. Unfortunately, they had an older unsupported CNC controller that was no longer serviced by Toyoda. Something as simple as a cracked screen on the CNC controller couldn’t be replaced. Dayton Lamina turned to MachMotion for a CNC retrofit solution that would allow their OD grinder to run at full capacity again. After understanding the MachMotion controller package and what is necessary to prepare prior to installation, they decided to move forward with a MachMotion turn-key installation. They didn’t want to disrupt production for too long, so having an expert installation was critical to get them back to manufacturing in a quick efficient manner.
Toyoda OD Grinder Gets Upgraded
With the Toyoda OD grinder controller upgrade scheduled and the machine prepped ahead of time, the machine was ready for installation. Dayton Lamina had everything ready, as instructed, for our installation team to arrive on-site and get straight to work! The installers took out the old CNC controller components & wiring that was original to the machine. Then, they reran all new wires and installed a new controller, motors, VFD and electrical back panel. Their previously unsupported CNC controls are no longer an issue for their operators.
Seamless Integration
MachMotion was successful in upgrading & retrofitting this obsolete Toyoda OD grinder. Dayton Lamina was able to return the machine to full production and continually use their upgraded machine today. The transition to the MachMotion controller was simple to learn. Within a few hours after training, they were back up and in production again. They even trained a number of new operators who have had no experience on any type of grinding equipment and they pick up on it very easily.
OD Grinder Retrofit Success
Dayton Lamina was very happy with the installation and how the OD grinder performs. When we followed up with Dawn after the installation she said “the overall experience with working with MachMotion, again for one of our very first upgrades went really, really smoothly. They want to know when we’re going to get more, in the sense of taking our older equipment and upgrading it where it’s more user-friendly and easier to train!”
About Dayton Lamina
Dayton Lamina is the global leader in fabrication and stamping solutions. Industry leaders in the production of catalog and special punches, die components, die details, punch blanks, and metal stamping tools. At this facility, the production team focuses on manufacturing guide components for the press and mold industry. The Dayton Lamina Team is dedicated to offering their customers the highest quality, best value components.
Partner With MachMotion On Your Next CNC Upgrade!
At MachMotion, we’re committed to ensuring your success. By partnering with us, you have guaranteed access to world-class customer service for the life of the control. Have you been considering scrapping or selling your older OD grinder? Restore the machine controls and give it a second life! For less cost than buying a new OD grinder, Dayton Lamina made sure that production never stopped. They were able to continue serving their customers efficiently with updated machine controls. Let MachMotion do the same for you as you think about an OD grinder retrofit on your machine!