Skip the Temporary Fix – Upgrade Your CNC!

Skip the Temporary Fix – Upgrade Your CNC!

Surface Grinder with MachMotion Control

Have you recently gotten a quote for a technician to come onsite to fix your old CNC control? Or, to swap out a board with a 20-year-old replacement they found on eBay? Are you left hoping that the repaired control will last long enough to pay for the repair?

At MachMotion, CNC control upgrades are our main business. We’ll give you the tools to totally upgrade your machine control to something that is new and supported. So, you can skip that “band-aid” fix that you “hope” will work.

We’ve built our company on the foundation of putting shop owners and maintenance departments back in control of their CNC machines. Let us do the work to engineer and integrate your control upgrade. Through time and experience we have perfected a process that puts you back in the driver’s seat. We won’t give you a hope–we’ll deliver a solution.

From application processes or complex I/O programming to simple motor replacement and calibration, we have upgraded machine controls time and time again. We have perfected this process to put you back in control rather than hoping you can get another year out of the machine.

We also offer live, real-person support on every system we sell. So, we’ll make sure the machine stays in production year after year for the entire life of the control.

Get a quote, now!