Obsolete Technology
Holt Marine bought an old MultiCam CNC Router in 1999. Over the years they had service work and repairs done, but it had become more and more difficult to find replacement parts and service technicians. The parts for the MultiCam had become antiquated and obsolete technology.
Holt Marine had come to the point to where they could no longer find reliable parts, and the parts they did find had become very expensive. The CNC computer malfunctioned and they couldn’t find a replacement computer with the proper serial port to operate the pendant. They attempted to use a serial port add-in card, but it never worked correctly. Holt Marine decided they needed to retrofit their MultiCam CNC machine.

About Holt Marine
Holt Marine Systems designs and fabricates a wide variety of items to support the work of yacht builders, marine repair professionals and do-it-yourself boat owners. They have been fabricating parts (custom and production) for commercial and pleasure vessels for over fifteen years.

The Solution
Holt Marine found MachMotion and talked with Matt about a proper router retrofit kit that would fit their machine. Holt Marine was apprehensive since they had never installed a retrofit kit before. Dan, one of MachMotion support team members, assured Holt Marine that they would give them full support with a knowledgeable engineer accessible by phone to answer any questions along the way.
Holt Marine was surprised to find out how simple installing the new control system was. “MachMotion kept their pledge to support us during our retrofit process, and that made all the difference!” Holt Marine used our top-rated online documentation which made the retrofit process go much more quickly.

Getting Results
While Holt Marine was using a handheld terminal with minimal functionality, they now have a large 17” display with software and operator panel controls that allow for both simple and complex functionalities. “The MachMotion interface is infinitely better!”
Holt Marine is incredibly pleased with the new ability to rotate their control arm to allow for flexibility with their machine operation space.
“MachMotion’s sales team made commitments to Holts Marine and kept every promise they made, the machine is running beautifully with our new MachMotion Retrofit!”.