06 Mar Have you been losing production time not being able to load GCode from your server?
Have you been losing production time not being able to load GCode from your server? Is this costing you production time and revenue?

Is manually completing setup processes and loading Gcode slowing production down?
Loading GCode on your CNC router should be as easy as loading a Word document from your computer. Operating CNC machines of any kind require a program to be loaded by the operator. Having to manually take GCode files on a disk or USB drive from a design computer to the machine controller can lead to slower production rates and less than efficient processes. When you look at your production rate, how much time does loading programs take on a weekly basis? Do you see how this could affect your overall productivity rate and slow production down?
What if you could decrease downtime and increase production?
There are many CNC router owners in the industry that are finding this one simple addition to eliminate their manual process – using modern controls and new technology to optimize the machines they already own. Upgrading your CNC router are an easy way to simplify your process and reduce lost production time. They can be used to quickly and proficiently set multiple tools without manual intervention, leading to better efficiency, reduced human-error, and more production uptime.
Optimize your productivity by minimizing the time it takes to load programs
When you optimize your CNC router controls, you can save time loading programs. Upgrading the controls and enabling operators to load programs from the server directly on the controller can help make your processes more efficient and convenient.
Watch the video below to see Marcus Shultz from MachMotion’s Quality Assurance Team demonstrate how easy it is to utilize loading GCode with MachMotion’s 2000 series controller.
Hey guys Marcus again with MachMotion. Today I’m going to show you how easy it is to use our automatic tool setter. Let’s jump over to our control So all you have to do is, I’ve already got it on the tools tab. I have the tool setter already pulled up. Right now we’ve got three currently so I’m going to do one through three. Auto measure, press our cycle start, and the machine will take care of the rest.
And there you have it. It’s that easy. Instead of taking 15 or 20 minutes or maybe even more, you can just use our programs to do it in just a couple of minutes. If you like that content please like and share and smash that subscribe button. We’ll see you the next time.
If you’re interested in learning more about our controller upgrades for your CNC machines, click here!