30 Nov How MachMotion Began
About MachMotion – How It All Began

How MachMotion Began
In 1999, Dave & his father upgraded their first CNC machine control. While working on CNC machines in their garage, they discovered a need in the manufacturing industry: an affordable CNC control upgrade that would maximize uptime and efficiency for the operator. Today, Dave and his brothers are responsible for thousands of CNC controller upgrades across the USA. MachMotion CNC control upgrades help manufacturers revive their machines instead of just repairing them. We offer reliable, cost-effective controller solutions for grinders, lathes, routers, waterjets and mills that are backed by world-class support. MachMotion was built around meeting that need and providing the best possible service to the customer. Watch the video below to hear how it all began from Dave Eldredge, President of MachMotion.
Hi, I’m Dave Eldredge from MachMotion, President. I’m excited to be here with you today and talk to you a little bit about our vision and a little bit about our history as well so you can get to know us.
So around 1999 I started working with my dad on upgrading these machines, Bridgeport series twos, those type of size machines, smaller, he built his own DOS-based control and you know we were doing one-off machines, one-off controls and I just thought why don’t we start building controls that could help serve the broader market of upgrading machines. And through the years of doing the controls with my Dad, we did. I decided with my three other brothers that – hey let’s start a company. Let’s do this. Let’s serve this industry and provide upgrade solutions that are easy to install, that help the world, the manufacturing industry, to maximize their uptime.
A question I get a lot is what types of machines do you sell upgrades for? And we sell upgrades for grinders, milling machines, lathes, CNC routers, waterjets. These solutions are really helping the industry to simplify their processes and help in situations where you have an operator that’s about to retire and nobody else in the company knows how to run it. When we come in, we can help them install a solution that’s new and fresh, and that’s simpler. Still with the same amount of features needed to be efficient.
If you buy a control system, how does it get installed? Who installs it? Those are a lot, very common, everyday questions we get from our customers. Turnkey – we come on-site, power that machine down, and remove the old controls, and install our controls on it, power it up, and train your operators. Self install – you buy the system install it yourself and then our remote support technicians will help log into that control where they can see and help finalize settings. Then you also can Ship the machine to MachMotion and we’ll do a turnkey. That way we offer a money-back guarantee on all our systems that are turnkey. We’re confident in our abilities to help get that machine up and running!
Growing up, working with my Dad, he was always focused on the customer service. He said “if you serve you’ll win and so growing up with that mindset was very much I mean it was instilled in us and I saw it work I’ve seen it work over the years you know I wake up thinking about how can I improve my uh every company that I work with how can I improve their quality of life how can I treat them as how I would want to be treated.
I just feel like that’s what really is going to keep setting us apart as a company lots of companies have great technology but having a good team, that’s service minded, that’s thinking about the customer, and how this is going to work for them. How it’s going to go together, how do we make this easier for them is what we’re really passionate about, and helping them ensure their machines are running and they have maximum uptime.
Something I’m passionate about is listening to the customer. You know, working with our team to make sure we’re asking the right questions. Providing an upgrade path that gives them that maximizes every the every customer’s uptime and serving them the support behind that upgrade package is so crucial. You know you can have the best product in the world but if you don’t have support with it, it’s gonna be a struggle. It’s gonna be frustrating and some of, a lot of our customers experience that and we want all our customers to have a great experience and be excited to work with us and know and have the confidence that we’ve got their back!